UPDATE 2021 — Opening and Closing the Office Door
[Updated JANUARY 17, 2021]
Paddy has now opened the office doors to in-person counselling. (Carole will continue visiting with people online.) Good news for those tired of staring at computer monitors (like me)! And for those who like the convenience and lack of commute, we are still offering counselling via Doxy and Zoom. Two more open doors!
If you decide at any time that you would feel safer or prefer to meet online, then we shall do that. Paddy will continue offering online counselling for those who prefer and his off-time appointments (Tuesday and Wednesday mornings) are online only.
Here is some info already published on our website that will orient you to our care for you during the pandemic. There are a few other blogs published on the topic as well.
If you wish to meet in-person, there are a few cautions to understand and ideas to respond to.
• You will only keep your in-person appointment if you are symptom-free. If you are feeling unwell, please cancel as quickly as you are able. No fee will be assessed for cancelled fees related to sickness. Still, give us 48 hours if you can.
• If you have any symptoms of the coronavirus (self-check), I trust that we can meet online — rebooking can be difficult for you and for me.
• Come into the office on time (not too early) and wait on the “sinner’s bench”! (Sorry, that’s a joke.) Text me to let me know you are ready and able (604-315-9543) and I will come to find you. You may park in the carport or on the parking pad at the top of the driveway.
• Please bring your own mask if you wish, or if you feel therapy in any way compromises social distancing. You may use a mask as you enter and leave our office. Please leave your shoes and coats in the entryway.
• We will provide hand sanitizer in the entryway, office and washroom.
• Bring your own coffee mug if you wish our Nespresso. Mmm.
• Keep a distance of 6 feet or so — no need to bring a noodle; we can approximate. And, sorry to say, no hugs, handshakes or high-5s. Waves and bows work too.
• Please do not bring children or infants to therapy at this time.
• Please take whatever steps you can between appointments to minimize your exposure to covid.
• If you have work that exposes you to other people who may be infected, please reschedule your appointment or replace it with online therapy. Again, give us as much time as you can.
• If a resident of your home tests positive for the infection, let me know and we will continue with online appointments.
All this goes both ways. If Carole or I or anyone in our home or family bubble has covid symptoms, we will contact you as quickly as we can. Then we will discuss other possibilities including using online and screens. If there should be a resurgence of the virus, we will notify you and return to online therapy.
As you can see, we are taking your health seriously. And we are doing it for us too. We want to be able to visit with our grandchildren on our non-workdays and we sure don’t want them infected.
We look forward to accomplishing good work with each one of you.
Paddy and Carole