Most of us pray sometimes and some of us pray a lot. I know that we have different hopes and expectations of how we journey in our lives, and I also know that most people appreciate the prayers of others when we face crises and challenges.
I found this prayer somewhere (I can’t remember) and it has been meaningful to me. It is like a benediction (meaning “a good word”). It is called “Go Easy, Go Gently, Go In Peace.”
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
You may have to push forward, but you don’t have to push so hard.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Do not be in so much of a hurry. At no day, no hour, no time are you required to do much so frantically. Move, but move faithfully, decisively, and deliberately in the plan of God.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Be urgent about the things that are urgent. Be easy about the things that are not essential. Pursuing the wrong urgencies may cause you to overrun the essential… and the important.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
In tragedy look for God when you can’t find meaning. In hopelessness find meaning when you can’t see God. Either way, you will move ahead.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
The frantic and stressed actions of uncontrolled urgency are not the foundation for the wholesome walk. Nor does such anxiousness reflect the gracious intention of the Creator. The frantic cause you to fall further away from the calming confidence of God’s calling.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Know God’s identity for you and in you. You are His creation and His people. Allow your soul to be immersed in the many joys of God.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Go generously and walk thankfully into your work, your relationships, your leading, your family. Meet God in your hours, in your days. Let the pace of your life flow naturally toward its unforgettable completion.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Beginning or ending, planning or reflecting, hurting or healing, cherish each moment. Savor God’s guidance. Seek what’s really important. Surrender your soul to the simple peace of God’s leading and urging, to His beginning and ending.
Go easy. Go gently. Go in peace.
Now go, with easiness towards yourself, with gentleness towards others and with peace in God.
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