Battery at 1%

As you can perhaps see from our ball caps, our batteries are down to about 1%. This is ageism as a result of workism. We started this psychology business in 1978 which is a long time ago. I am 75 years old now and Carole is a year following. Our internal batteries tell us that this is enough. Note: we not rechargeable but we are disposable.

Some thoughts from Paddy: 

I never thought that I would retire. I thought I would keep going on like the Eveready bunny and then just fade. Now I have to plan my future, avoid hospitals, tolerate ordinaryness, dig in my garden, that kind of thing. I will still hang around coffee shops talking to strangers. I will invest my life in my grandchildren and stand behind my kids. I will probably holiday in safe places. I will walk my dog, Penny.

Retiring itself is not new for me. I have retired from pastoral ministry (CapChurch) and university teaching (Carey Theological College, Regent College), but this is different. I have made a deep investment in many of you, as you have in me. I will not have the privilege of hearing your story and walking with you to further wholeness. I have learned so much from you and I am deeply indebted to you for sharing your lives and welcoming my involvement.

Carole’s considerations:

This transition is harder for Paddy than for me. I have long accepted contentment. I have made peace with having less to do. I want to be empathic with myself as I have endeavoured to be with you. If any of you wish for a closing conversation, I would be happy to have coffee with you and/or a Seaview walk with my dog.

In conclusion:

We will be ending our collected counselling practice at Christmas time this year. No appointments in 2024. If you would like us to assist you in finding another counsellor or psychologist, please ask. See our list of “recommended counsellors”.  This is a good place to start.

David Ducklow continues as a spiritual director and chaplain. He is great to talk to and well-informed. Please send him a note at and begin a new beginning. And his sister, Christine McLaren, is training to be a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Should be a couple of years before her academic completion. And then more counselling ducks.

Best to you.